
Brigitta Mowat

I am interested in the interface between body and mind and have come to understand that therapy can be approached from both directions. As both a Teacher of the F. M. Alexander Technique and a registered Psychotherapist, I have found that the two disciplines share synergies that benefit my teaching/therapy work. I am interested in and concerned about the relationship between the human and more-than-human worlds that seem at odds with each other and out of balance. I am interested in how counselling and psychotherapy respond to the mental health issues caused by the Climate and Ecological Emergency.

In the mid-1980s I trained as a Teacher of the F. M. Alexander Technique under Walter Carrington at the Constructive Teaching Centre, London.

I took up psychotherapy and counselling training at the Minster Centre, London, in 1999.

I spent many years as a visiting lecturer on the Cert/Dip and MA/DgP programmes in Contemporary Therapeutic Counselling at the University of Hertfordshire. Alongside my private psychotherapy practice, I am currently joint Head of the first year of the Master’s programme at the Minster Centre, where I also teach the third-year Personal and Clinical Integration module.  

The psychotherapeutic interventions I offer in my private practice are based on the Integrative model. I also offer the 16-session NHS Dynamic Interpersonal therapy (DIT) model on a private basis.

In addition to my MA in Integrative Psychotherapy from Middlesex University, I hold an MSc in Counselling and Psychotherapy in Health and Social Care from the University of Surrey. I also hold a Diploma in the Therapeutic Application of the Arts from the IATE and a Supervision Diploma from the Minster Centre, and I followed the introductory one-year course in Group Analysis at the IGA.

I am a member of STAT and am registered and accredited with the UKCP.


Mowat, B. (2022). Climate Change on the Couch: How Psychotherapy can respond to the Climate and Ecological Emergency – and why it should.

AHPB online Magazine for Self & Society, No. 8 Winter 2022


Mowat, B. (2021). How Integrative Psychotherapy can address the Anthropocene crisis.

AHPB online Magazine for Self & Society, No. 6 Winter 2021


Mowat, B. (2008). The use of touch in the Alexander Technique context: a developmental perspective.

Congress Papers, Vol 2. STAT Books.


Mowat, B. (2006). The impact of Psychotherapy and Counselling on the Alexander Technique.

The Alexander Journal, issue 21 (Spring).