F. M. Alexander Technique

F.M. Alexander Technique

The F. M. Alexander Technique is an educational method that offers many therapeutic benefits. The aim of Alexander lessons is to help an individual to free unconscious habitual tension patterns in the body. It examines the causes of problems rather than simply treating the symptoms. The benefits are wide-ranging and contribute to improving physical and emotional wellbeing. Alexander lessons can be effective in promoting body awareness. 

Over the years I have worked with a whole range of people including musicians, expectant women, school teachers, adolescents, people with disabilities, office workers, elderly people, sportspeople, people with autism…

With regard to numbers of lessons, this is tailored to individual needs. Some people have been coming to me for years, others opt for a focused course of lessons over a specific period of time.

I am a member of STAT .


Mowat, B. (2006). The impact of psychotherapy and counselling on the Alexander Technique.

The Alexander Journal, issue 21 (Spring).


Mowat, B. (2008). The use of touch in the Alexander Technique context: a developmental perspective.

Congress Papers, Vol 2. STAT Books.